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We can  help kids

in Cambodia by providing quality education...

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& provide classrooms that are an exciting place to learn...

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Education gives children a  brighter future...

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Quality education is the game changer!

Helping Kids in Cambodia

Children in developing countries need classrooms and resources but most of all they need GREAT TEACHERS.  

How does teacher training help

Training teachers in Cambodia

We provide teacher training to schools of non-governmental organisations (ITTSR) and Public Primary Schools (EPPS) so kids won´t drop out of school due to the lack of impactful teaching anymore. The gap we found and filled is to make sure the teachers in these schools know what they are doing and teach activity-based and interactive lessons with enthusiasm.

We support rural areas of Siem Reap, where teachers step in front of a classroom having a little training, willing to help the community maintain education. We identified the lack of quality training, and together with our partner The Angkor Tree Project, we are implementing teacher education. We extended online classes, due to pandemic closures. 
We believe this will help to keep the children in school, to improve learning outcomes, to make children want to go to every class, for children to get grades so good that it´s easy to move to secondary school and even college, and for teachers to enjoy their jobs, stay in their roles for longer and be passionate role models.

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